About Us

OveWith more than 6 years experience in the window film industry, Suncool has supplies the high performance solar control, safety and security window film for use in the automotive and building industries. These film have been modified to suit the Malaysian climate and comply with JPJ regulations. Suncool, its more than 15 employees are a seasoned team of professional with fresh energy. Suncool’s professional team of window film specialists have vast experience with all makes and models of cars, and we will always provide quality installation to our client too.


- Reduces heat, glare, and fade by turning away as much as 80% of the solar heat radiation and harmful ultra-violet rays.
- Reduces Eye Strain
- Reduces air-conditioning load thus cutting operating costs.
- Saves electricity all year round.
- Protects interior, food and merchandise from fading and rotting.
- Makes glass shatter resistant and becomes safety glass by strengthening it and reducing the hazards of flying splinters normally involved with glass breakage.
- Improves outdoor beauty and provides indoor comfort.
- No reflections from inside and outside.
- Clear visibility day and night.
- No maintenance required.
- Installations carry out experts with many years experience in this trade.
- Economical and durable.
选 择 隔 热 膜 的 好 处
Unparalleled Advantages

- 能减少大量阳光所引起的热浪,降低车厢内的温度大约摄氏10度。
Greatly reduces solar heat build-up in your car. Lower cabin temerature by about 10℃
- 外观清澈,接近无颜色的保护层使车内光线充足。无论白天夜晚都能安全驾驶。
Clear, almost colourless film that allows in maximum light for safe driving, day and night.
- 能防止您的皮肤以及车内装璜受到伤害及破坏。除此,更能提高防止玻璃镜爆裂伤害乘客的危险。
Protests your skin and upholstery against damages due to ultra-voilet rays. Provides greater safety by improving shatter resistance of glass.
- 由于温度的降低而提高燃油的效率和减少汽车的负担,因此产生了节省的作用。
Improves fuel effiency and reduces air-conditioning load because of lower solar heat gain.
Solar Windows Film Technology has been widely use in many developed countries and rated as one of the hundred most useful & influence innovations.
email us for more information suncool_wfilm@yahoo.com |